Week 5 exercises
Setting up
Create and move into a dir for the exercises:
# You should be in /fs/ess/PAS2700/users/$USER mkdir week05/exercises cd week05/exercises
Create a runner script (in which you’ll write the code to submit batch jobs), and then open it:
mkdir scripts run touch run/run.sh
You’ll be using the Garrigos et al. FASTQ files again, which you should have in /fs/ess/PAS2700/users/$USER/garrigos_data/fastq
Exercise 0: Lecture page exercises
Do any exercises on the software and Slurm batch job lecture pages that we did not get to in class.
Exercise 1: Create a FastQC Conda environment
The version of FastQC on OSC (0.11.8) is not the latest one (0.12.1). Let’s assume that you really need the latest version for your analysis:
- Create a Conda environment for FastQC and install FastQC version 0.12.1 into it.
- Activate the environment and check that you have the correct version of FastQC.
Exercise 2: FastQC with multiple cores
As a starting point, copy the FastQC shell script from the last exercise on the Slurm batch job page:
# After this, your script will be at 'scripts/fastqc.sh'
cp -v ../class_slurm/scripts/fastqc.sh scripts
If you don’t have it, here’s the contents of the starting FastQC script (Click to expand)
#SBATCH --account=PAS2700
#SBATCH --output=slurm-fastqc-%j.out
#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
set -euo pipefail
# Load the OSC module for FastQC
module load fastqc
# Copy the placeholder variables
# Initial reporting
echo "# Starting script fastqc.ch"
echo "# Input FASTQ file: $fastq_file"
echo "# Output dir: $outdir"
# Create the output dir if needed
mkdir -p "$outdir"
# Run FastQC
fastqc --outdir="$outdir" "$fastq_file"
# Final reporting
echo "# Done with script fastqc.sh"
Use your brand new Conda FastQC environment in the script instead of OSC’s module.
Change the
options in the script so that Slurm only sends you an email if the job fails.Change the
options in the script so that your batch job will reserve 8 cores.Change the FastQC command in the script so that FastQC will use all 8 reserved cores. (Run
fastqc --help
to find the relevant option.)Submit the script as a batch job with input FASTQ file
as before.You’ll be running FastQC for all files next, so let’s remove this Slurm log file and all FastQC output files.
Exercise 3: FastQC batch jobs in a loop
Loop over all Garrigos et al. FASTQ files, submitting your Ex. 2 FastQC script as a batch job for each file.
Check the Slurm queue immediately after running the loop, and keep checking it every couple of seconds until all your FastQC jobs have disappeared from the list (i.e., are done).
You now arguably have too many Slurm log files to go through, so what to do next?
- The Slurm email feature should help: check that you didn’t get any emails about failed jobs.
- Another quick check is to run the
command with a glob (using*
) so it will print the last lines of each of the output files. Try this and scroll through thetail
output: it should be pretty easy to spot any files that don’t end the way the should. - Check the FastQC output files as well.
It can be good to keep your Slurm log files, but things will soon get very messy if you keep them all in your working dir: create a dir called
in the FastQC output dir, and move all Slurm log files into that dir.
Exercise 4: TrimGalore batch jobs in a loop
As a starting point, take your TrimGalore shell script from last week’s exercises, and save it as scripts/trimgalore.sh
If you don’t have it, here’s the contents of the starting TrimGalore script (Click to expand)
set -euo pipefail
# Load TrimGalore
module load miniconda3/23.3.1-py310
conda activate /fs/ess/PAS0471/jelmer/conda/trimgalore
# Copy the placeholder variables
# Infer the R2 FASTQ file name
# Report
echo "# Starting script trimgalore.sh"
echo "# Input R1 FASTQ file: $R1_in"
echo "# Input R2 FASTQ file: $R2_in"
echo "# Output dir: $outdir"
# Create the output dir
mkdir -p "$outdir"
# Run TrimGalore
trim_galore \
--paired \
--fastqc \
--output_dir "$outdir" \
"$R1_in" \
# Report
echo "# Done with script trimgalore.sh"
The script currently uses one of my Conda environments. Switch to your own that you created in class this week.
options to the top of the TrimGalore shell script to specify:- The account/project
- The number of cores (8)
- The Slurm log file name
- Something to make Slurm email you upon job failure
Use the TrimGalore option
to make it use all 8 reserved cores.Submit the script as a batch job for sample
, and check that everything went well. Then remove all outputs (Slurm log files and TrimGalore output files) from this test-run.Run TrimGalore for all FASTQ file pairs from the Garrigos et al. data, and check that everything went well.
Move the Slurm log files into a dir
in the TrimGalore output dir.
Compared to running TrimGalore last week, you now saved time in two ways:
- You used 8 cores, decreasing the running time — for example, for the first sample, from nearly a minute to 17 seconds.
- You ran TrimGalore simultaneously instead of consecutively for each sample. If Slurm/OSC started these jobs quickly, as is usual, then running TrimGalore on all files should have cost well under a minute instead of over 20 minutes.
Exercise 5: Create a Nextflow Conda environment
Next week, we’ll work with Nextflow and the affiliated community project nf-core. Create a single Conda environment with both Nextflow and the nf-core tools.
Exercise 1
1 - Create a FastQC Conda environment
When you don’t specify the version, the latest one should be installed — at least when you’re using a “fresh” environment (there could be complicating factors if you already had other software in the same environment):
module load miniconda3/23.3.1-py310
conda create -y -n fastqc -c bioconda fastqc
But to be more explicit, you could replace the fastqc
at the end of the line with fastqc=0.12.1
2 - Activate the environment and check the version
conda activate fastqc
fastqc --version
FastQC v0.12.1
Exercise 2
1 - Use your Conda environment
Replace the line module load fastqc
module load miniconda3/23.3.1-py310
conda activate fastqc
2 - Only email upon failure
#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL
3 - Reserve 8 cores
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
4 - Make FastQC use 8 cores
The relevant FastQC option is --threads
(recall to consider the terms threads, cores, and CPUs as synonyms in this context):
fastqc --threads 8 --outdir "$outdir" "$fastq_file"
5 - Submit the script
sbatch scripts/fastqc.sh "$fastq_file" results/fastqc
Submitted batch job 12431988
6 - Clean up
rm slurm-fastqc*
rm results/fastqc/*
Exercise 3
1 - Submit a FastQC batch job for each FASTQ file
for fastq_file in ../../garrigos_data/fastq/*fastq.gz; do
sbatch scripts/fastqc.sh "$fastq_file" results/fastqc
Submitted batch job 27902555
Submitted batch job 27902556
Submitted batch job 27902557
Submitted batch job 27902558
Submitted batch job 27902559
Submitted batch job 27902560
Submitted batch job 27902561
[...output truncated...]
2 - Check the Slurm queue
squeue -u $USER -l
3 - Check the output
Once all jobs have at least started running, you should see a lot of Slurm log files in your working dir:
results slurm-fastqc-27902531.out slurm-fastqc-27902543.out slurm-fastqc-27902555.out
run slurm-fastqc-27902532.out slurm-fastqc-27902544.out slurm-fastqc-27902556.out
scripts slurm-fastqc-27902533.out slurm-fastqc-27902545.out slurm-fastqc-27902557.out
slurm-fastqc-27902522.out slurm-fastqc-27902534.out slurm-fastqc-27902546.out slurm-fastqc-27902558.out
slurm-fastqc-27902523.out slurm-fastqc-27902535.out slurm-fastqc-27902547.out slurm-fastqc-27902559.out
slurm-fastqc-27902524.out slurm-fastqc-27902536.out slurm-fastqc-27902548.out slurm-fastqc-27902560.out
slurm-fastqc-27902525.out slurm-fastqc-27902537.out slurm-fastqc-27902549.out slurm-fastqc-27902561.out
slurm-fastqc-27902526.out slurm-fastqc-27902538.out slurm-fastqc-27902550.out slurm-fastqc-27902562.out
slurm-fastqc-27902527.out slurm-fastqc-27902539.out slurm-fastqc-27902551.out slurm-fastqc-27902563.out
slurm-fastqc-27902528.out slurm-fastqc-27902540.out slurm-fastqc-27902552.out slurm-fastqc-27902564.out
slurm-fastqc-27902529.out slurm-fastqc-27902541.out slurm-fastqc-27902553.out slurm-fastqc-27902565.out
slurm-fastqc-27902530.out slurm-fastqc-27902542.out slurm-fastqc-27902554.out
Here is how you can see the last lines of each of these files with tail
tail slurm-fastqc*
==> slurm-fastqc-27902563.out <==
Approx 80% complete for ERR10802885_R2.fastq.gz
Approx 85% complete for ERR10802885_R2.fastq.gz
Approx 90% complete for ERR10802885_R2.fastq.gz
Approx 95% complete for ERR10802885_R2.fastq.gz
Approx 100% complete for ERR10802885_R2.fastq.gz
Analysis complete for ERR10802885_R2.fastq.gz
# Done with script fastqc.sh
Sun Mar 31 16:30:54 EDT 2024
==> slurm-fastqc-27902564.out <==
Approx 80% complete for ERR10802886_R1.fastq.gz
Approx 85% complete for ERR10802886_R1.fastq.gz
Approx 90% complete for ERR10802886_R1.fastq.gz
Approx 95% complete for ERR10802886_R1.fastq.gz
Approx 100% complete for ERR10802886_R1.fastq.gz
Analysis complete for ERR10802886_R1.fastq.gz
# Done with script fastqc.sh
Sun Mar 31 16:30:54 EDT 2024
==> slurm-fastqc-27902565.out <==
Approx 80% complete for ERR10802886_R2.fastq.gz
Approx 85% complete for ERR10802886_R2.fastq.gz
Approx 90% complete for ERR10802886_R2.fastq.gz
Approx 95% complete for ERR10802886_R2.fastq.gz
Approx 100% complete for ERR10802886_R2.fastq.gz
Analysis complete for ERR10802886_R2.fastq.gz
# Done with script fastqc.sh
Sun Mar 31 16:30:54 EDT 2024
# [...output truncated...]
Finally, to check the FastQC output files:
ls -lh results/fastqc
total 48M
-rw-rw----+ 1 poelstra PAS0471 718K Mar 31 16:29 ERR10802863_R1_fastqc.html
-rw-rw----+ 1 poelstra PAS0471 364K Mar 31 16:29 ERR10802863_R1_fastqc.zip
-rw-rw----+ 1 poelstra PAS0471 688K Mar 31 16:29 ERR10802863_R2_fastqc.html
-rw-rw----+ 1 poelstra PAS0471 363K Mar 31 16:29 ERR10802863_R2_fastqc.zip
-rw-rw----+ 1 poelstra PAS0471 714K Mar 31 16:29 ERR10802864_R1_fastqc.html
-rw-rw----+ 1 poelstra PAS0471 366K Mar 31 16:29 ERR10802864_R1_fastqc.zip
-rw-rw----+ 1 poelstra PAS0471 695K Mar 31 16:29 ERR10802864_R2_fastqc.html
-rw-rw----+ 1 poelstra PAS0471 351K Mar 31 16:29 ERR10802864_R2_fastqc.zip
-rw-rw----+ 1 poelstra PAS0471 713K Mar 31 16:29 ERR10802865_R1_fastqc.html
-rw-rw----+ 1 poelstra PAS0471 367K Mar 31 16:29 ERR10802865_R1_fastqc.zip
-rw-rw----+ 1 poelstra PAS0471 698K Mar 31 16:29 ERR10802865_R2_fastqc.html
-rw-rw----+ 1 poelstra PAS0471 358K Mar 31 16:29 ERR10802865_R2_fastqc.zip
-rw-rw----+ 1 poelstra PAS0471 718K Mar 31 16:29 ERR10802866_R1_fastqc.html
# [...output truncated...]
4 - Clean the Slurm log files
mkdir results/fastqc/logs
mv slurm-fastqc* results/fastqc/logs
Exercise 4
1 - Switch the Conda environment
Replace the line conda activate /fs/ess/PAS0471/jelmer/conda/trimgalore
conda activate trim-galore-0.6.10
#SBATCH --account=PAS2700
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --output=slurm-trimgalore-%j.out
#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL
3 - Make TrimGalore use the reserved 8 cores
Simply add--cores 8
to your TrimGalore command.
4 - Submit the script once, then clean up
sbatch scripts/trimgalore.sh "$fastq_file" results/trimgalore
To check that everything went well, look at the Slurm log files and the TrimGalore output files in results/trimgalore
To remove the outputs from this test:
rm slurm-trimgalore*
rm results/trimgalore/*
5 - Submit the script for all samples
for fastq_R1 in ../../garrigos_data/fastq/*R1.fastq.gz; do
sbatch scripts/trimgalore.sh "$fastq_R1" results/trimgalore
. You can also run tail slurm-trimgalore*
to check the last lines of each Slurm log file.
6 - Move the Slurm log files
mkdir results/trimgalore/logs
mv slurm-trimgalore* results/trimgalore/logs
Exercise 5
Create a Nextflow + nf-core Conda environment
module load miniconda3/23.3.1-py310
conda create -y -n nextflow-23.10 -c bioconda nextflow=23.10.1 nf-core=2.13.1
Check that it works:
conda activate nextflow-23.10
nextflow -v
nextflow version
nf-core --version
___ __ __ __ ___ /,-._.--~\
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nf-core/tools version 2.13.1 - https://nf-co.re
nf-core, version 2.13.1