Managing files in the shell

Week 2 - Part III


Jelmer Poelstra


March 7, 2024

1 Overview & setting up

In this session, we will learn some more Unix shell skills, focusing on commands to manage files with an eye on organizing your research projects.

Specifically, we will learn about:

  • Wildcard expansion to select and operate on multiple files at once
  • Brace expansion to help create regular series of files and dirs
  • Command substitution to save the output of commands
  • For loops to repeat operations across, e.g., file
  • Renaming multiple files using for loops

And for those that are interested, there is some optional at-home reading about changing file permissions (e.g. to make your raw data read-only) and creating symbolic links (to access files across different projects).

1.1 VS Code setup

  1. Log in to OSC’s OnDemand portal at

  2. In the blue top bar, select Interactive Apps and then near the bottom of the dropdown menu, click Code Server.

  3. In the form that appears on a new page:

    • Select OSC project PAS2700
    • The starting directory: /fs/ess/PAS2700/users/<user> (replace <user> with your OSC username)
    • Number of hours: 2
    • Click Launch.
  4. On the next page, once the top bar of the box has turned green and says Runnning, click Connect to VS Code.

  5. Open a Terminal by clicking     => Terminal => New Terminal.

  6. Type pwd to check where you are.

    If you are not in /fs/ess/PAS2700/users/<user> click     =>   File   =>   Open Folder, then type/select /fs/ess/PAS2700/users/<user> and press OK.

1.2 Create a dummy project – following Buffalo

Go into the dir for this week that you created earlier:

# You should be in /fs/ess/PAS2700/users/$USER/
cd week02

First, we’ll create a set of directories representing a dummy research project:

mkdir zmays-snps
cd zmays-snps

# The -p option for mkdir will allow for 'recursive' (nested) dir creation
mkdir -p data/fastq scripts results/figs

The touch command will create one or more empty files. We will use it to create some empty files that are supposed to represent sequence files with forward (“R1”) and reverse (“R2”) DNA sequence reads for 3 samples:

cd data/fastq

touch sample1_R1.fastq.gz sample1_R2.fastq.gz
touch sample2_R1.fastq.gz sample2_R2.fastq.gz
touch sample3_R1.fastq.gz sample3_R2.fastq.gz

For a nice recursive overview of your directory structure, use the tree command (with option -C to show colors):

# "../.." tells tree to start two levels up
# (Output colors are not shown on this webpage)
tree -C ../..
├── data
│   └── fastq
│       ├── sample1_R1.fastq.gz
│       ├── sample1_R2.fastq.gz
│       ├── sample2_R1.fastq.gz
│       ├── sample2_R2.fastq.gz
│       ├── sample3_R1.fastq.gz
│       └── sample3_R2.fastq.gz
├── results
│   └── figs
└── scripts

5 directories, 6 files

2 Wildcard expansion

Shell wildcard expansion is a very useful technique to select files. Selecting files with wildcard expansion is called globbing. Wildcards are symbols that have a special meaning.

The * wildcard

In globbing, the * wildcard matches any number of any character, including nothing.

With the following files in our directory:

sample1_R1.fastq.gz  sample1_R2.fastq.gz  sample2_R1.fastq.gz
sample2_R2.fastq.gz  sample3_R1.fastq.gz  sample3_R2.fastq.gz

We can match both “sample1” files as follows:

ls sample1*
sample1_R1.fastq.gz  sample1_R2.fastq.gz
ls sample1*fastq.gz
sample1_R1.fastq.gz  sample1_R2.fastq.gz

To match only files with forward reads (contain “_R1”):

ls *_R1*
sample1_R1.fastq.gz  sample2_R1.fastq.gz  sample3_R1.fastq.gz
ls *R1.fastq.gz
sample1_R1.fastq.gz  sample2_R1.fastq.gz  sample3_R1.fastq.gz

When globbing, the pattern has to match the entire file name, so this doesn’t match anything:

# There are no files that _end in_ R1: we'd need another asterisk at the end
ls *R1
ls: cannot access *R1: No such file or directory

In summary:

Pattern Matches files whose names…
* Contain anything (matches all files)1
*fastq.gz End in “.fastq.gz”
sample1* Start with “sample1”
*_R1* Contain “_R1”

Exercise: File matching 1

  • List only the FASTQ files for sample 3.
Click for the solution
ls sample3*
sample3_R1.fastq.gz  sample3_R2.fastq.gz
  • Which files would ls samp*le* match?
Click for the solution

All of them, since all file names start with sample, and because * also matches “zero characters”, there is no requirement for there to be a character between the p and the l.

Other shell wildcards

There are two more shell wildcards, and here is a complete overview of shell wildcards:

Wildcard Matches
* Any number of any character, including nothing
? Any single character
[] and [^] One or none (^) of the “character set” within the brackets

Using the ? wildcard to match both R1 and R2:

ls sample1_R?.fastq.gz
sample1_R1.fastq.gz  sample1_R2.fastq.gz

To match files for sample1 and sample2 using only a character class with []:

  • Method 1 — List all possible characters (1 and 2 in this case):

    ls sample[12]*
    sample1_R1.fastq.gz  sample1_R2.fastq.gz  sample2_R1.fastq.gz  sample2_R2.fastq.gz
  • Method 2 – Use a range like [0-9], [A-Z], [a-z]:

    ls sample[1-2]*
    sample1_R1.fastq.gz  sample1_R2.fastq.gz  sample2_R1.fastq.gz  sample2_R2.fastq.gz
  • Method 3 – Exclude the unwanted sample ID:

    ls sample[^3]*
    sample1_R1.fastq.gz  sample1_R2.fastq.gz  sample2_R1.fastq.gz  sample2_R2.fastq.gz
[] works on single character ranges only: 0-9 works but 10-13 does not.

The examples so far may seem trivial, but you can use these techniques to easily operate on selections among 100s or 1000s of files.

Expansion is done by the shell itself

The expansion –to all matching file names– is done by the shell, not by ls or another command you might be using wildcards with. Therefore, ls will “see”/“receive” the list of files after the expansion has already happened.

For example: we can copy (cp command), move (mv) or delete (rm) files with shell expansion, and we can also first check which files those command will “see” by first using echo (or ls) with the exact same globbing pattern:

# Check which files are selected 
echo sample[12]*
sample1_R1.fastq.gz sample1_R2.fastq.gz sample2_R1.fastq.gz sample2_R2.fastq.gz
# Remove the files with rm
# (The -v option will make rm report what it's removing)
rm -v sample[12]*
removed ‘sample1_R1.fastq.gz’
removed ‘sample1_R2.fastq.gz’
removed ‘sample2_R1.fastq.gz’
removed ‘sample2_R2.fastq.gz’
Wildcards vs. regular expressions

Don’t confuse wildcards with regular expressions! You may have used regular expressions before, for example with R or a text editor. They are similar to but not the same as shell wildcards. We’ll talk about regular expressions in Week 4.

3 Brace expansion

Whereas wildcard expansion looks for corresponding files and expands to whichever files are present, brace expansion with {}, is another type of shell expansion that expands to whatever you tell it to.

# First move up to zmays-snps
cd ../..

Use .. within {} to indicate ranges of numbers or letters:

# Here we'll create 31 _dirs_ for different dates
mkdir -p data/obs/2024-03-{01..31}

ls data/obs
2024-03-01  2024-03-04  2024-03-07  2024-03-10  2024-03-13  2024-03-16  2024-03-19  2024-03-22  2024-03-25  2024-03-28  2024-03-31
2024-03-02  2024-03-05  2024-03-08  2024-03-11  2024-03-14  2024-03-17  2024-03-20  2024-03-23  2024-03-26  2024-03-29
2024-03-03  2024-03-06  2024-03-09  2024-03-12  2024-03-15  2024-03-18  2024-03-21  2024-03-24  2024-03-27  2024-03-30
# Here we'll create 6 empty _files_
touch results/figs/fig-1{A..F}.png

ls results/figs
fig-1A.png  fig-1B.png  fig-1C.png  fig-1D.png  fig-1E.png  fig-1F.png

Finally, you can also use a comma-separated list, and multiple brace expansions — with the latter, you will get all combinations among values in the expansions:

mkdir -p data/obs2/treatment-{Kr,Df,Tr}_temp-{lo,med,hi}

ls data/obs2
treatment-Df_temp-hi   treatment-Kr_temp-hi   treatment-Tr_temp-hi
treatment-Df_temp-lo   treatment-Kr_temp-lo   treatment-Tr_temp-lo
treatment-Df_temp-med  treatment-Kr_temp-med  treatment-Tr_temp-med

Exercise: File matching 2

  1. Move back into data/fastq/ and remove all (remaining) files in there in one go.
Click for the solution
cd data/fastq/   # Assuming you were still in /fs/ess/PAS2700/users/$USER/week02/zmays-snps

# (You don't have to use the -v flag)
rm -v *fastq.gz
removed ‘sample3_R1.fastq.gz’
removed ‘sample3_R2.fastq.gz’
  1. Using brace expansion and the touch command, create empty R1 and R2 FASTQ files for 100 samples with IDs from 001 to 100: sample<ID>_R1.fastq and sample<ID>_R2.fastq.
Click for the solution
touch sample{001..100}_R{1,2}.fastq

sample001_R1.fastq  sample026_R1.fastq  sample051_R1.fastq  sample076_R1.fastq
sample001_R2.fastq  sample026_R2.fastq  sample051_R2.fastq  sample076_R2.fastq
sample002_R1.fastq  sample027_R1.fastq  sample052_R1.fastq  sample077_R1.fastq
sample002_R2.fastq  sample027_R2.fastq  sample052_R2.fastq  sample077_R2.fastq
sample003_R1.fastq  sample028_R1.fastq  sample053_R1.fastq  sample078_R1.fastq
sample003_R2.fastq  sample028_R2.fastq  sample053_R2.fastq  sample078_R2.fastq
sample004_R1.fastq  sample029_R1.fastq  sample054_R1.fastq  sample079_R1.fastq
sample004_R2.fastq  sample029_R2.fastq  sample054_R2.fastq  sample079_R2.fastq
sample005_R1.fastq  sample030_R1.fastq  sample055_R1.fastq  sample080_R1.fastq
sample005_R2.fastq  sample030_R2.fastq  sample055_R2.fastq  sample080_R2.fastq
sample006_R1.fastq  sample031_R1.fastq  sample056_R1.fastq  sample081_R1.fastq
sample006_R2.fastq  sample031_R2.fastq  sample056_R2.fastq  sample081_R2.fastq
sample007_R1.fastq  sample032_R1.fastq  sample057_R1.fastq  sample082_R1.fastq
sample007_R2.fastq  sample032_R2.fastq  sample057_R2.fastq  sample082_R2.fastq
sample008_R1.fastq  sample033_R1.fastq  sample058_R1.fastq  sample083_R1.fastq
sample008_R2.fastq  sample033_R2.fastq  sample058_R2.fastq  sample083_R2.fastq
sample009_R1.fastq  sample034_R1.fastq  sample059_R1.fastq  sample084_R1.fastq
sample009_R2.fastq  sample034_R2.fastq  sample059_R2.fastq  sample084_R2.fastq
sample010_R1.fastq  sample035_R1.fastq  sample060_R1.fastq  sample085_R1.fastq
sample010_R2.fastq  sample035_R2.fastq  sample060_R2.fastq  sample085_R2.fastq
sample011_R1.fastq  sample036_R1.fastq  sample061_R1.fastq  sample086_R1.fastq
sample011_R2.fastq  sample036_R2.fastq  sample061_R2.fastq  sample086_R2.fastq
sample012_R1.fastq  sample037_R1.fastq  sample062_R1.fastq  sample087_R1.fastq
sample012_R2.fastq  sample037_R2.fastq  sample062_R2.fastq  sample087_R2.fastq
sample013_R1.fastq  sample038_R1.fastq  sample063_R1.fastq  sample088_R1.fastq
sample013_R2.fastq  sample038_R2.fastq  sample063_R2.fastq  sample088_R2.fastq
sample014_R1.fastq  sample039_R1.fastq  sample064_R1.fastq  sample089_R1.fastq
sample014_R2.fastq  sample039_R2.fastq  sample064_R2.fastq  sample089_R2.fastq
sample015_R1.fastq  sample040_R1.fastq  sample065_R1.fastq  sample090_R1.fastq
sample015_R2.fastq  sample040_R2.fastq  sample065_R2.fastq  sample090_R2.fastq
sample016_R1.fastq  sample041_R1.fastq  sample066_R1.fastq  sample091_R1.fastq
sample016_R2.fastq  sample041_R2.fastq  sample066_R2.fastq  sample091_R2.fastq
sample017_R1.fastq  sample042_R1.fastq  sample067_R1.fastq  sample092_R1.fastq
sample017_R2.fastq  sample042_R2.fastq  sample067_R2.fastq  sample092_R2.fastq
sample018_R1.fastq  sample043_R1.fastq  sample068_R1.fastq  sample093_R1.fastq
sample018_R2.fastq  sample043_R2.fastq  sample068_R2.fastq  sample093_R2.fastq
sample019_R1.fastq  sample044_R1.fastq  sample069_R1.fastq  sample094_R1.fastq
sample019_R2.fastq  sample044_R2.fastq  sample069_R2.fastq  sample094_R2.fastq
sample020_R1.fastq  sample045_R1.fastq  sample070_R1.fastq  sample095_R1.fastq
sample020_R2.fastq  sample045_R2.fastq  sample070_R2.fastq  sample095_R2.fastq
sample021_R1.fastq  sample046_R1.fastq  sample071_R1.fastq  sample096_R1.fastq
sample021_R2.fastq  sample046_R2.fastq  sample071_R2.fastq  sample096_R2.fastq
sample022_R1.fastq  sample047_R1.fastq  sample072_R1.fastq  sample097_R1.fastq
sample022_R2.fastq  sample047_R2.fastq  sample072_R2.fastq  sample097_R2.fastq
sample023_R1.fastq  sample048_R1.fastq  sample073_R1.fastq  sample098_R1.fastq
sample023_R2.fastq  sample048_R2.fastq  sample073_R2.fastq  sample098_R2.fastq
sample024_R1.fastq  sample049_R1.fastq  sample074_R1.fastq  sample099_R1.fastq
sample024_R2.fastq  sample049_R2.fastq  sample074_R2.fastq  sample099_R2.fastq
sample025_R1.fastq  sample050_R1.fastq  sample075_R1.fastq  sample100_R1.fastq
sample025_R2.fastq  sample050_R2.fastq  sample075_R2.fastq  sample100_R2.fastq

  1. Bonus: Count the number of “R1” files by first using ls with a globbing pattern that only selects R1 files, and then piping the ls output into wc -l.
Click for the solution
# wc -l will count the number of lines, i.e. the number of files
# (Note that this works properly even though raw ls output may
# put multiple files on 1 line.)
ls *R1*fastq | wc -l
  1. Bonus: Copy all files except the two for “sample100 into a new directory called selection — use a wildcard to do the move with a single command. (You will first need to create the new dir separately.)
Click for the solution

First create the selection dir:

mkdir selection

Method 1 — Exclude sample numbers starting with a 1:

cp sample[^1]* selection/

Method 2 — Other way around; include sample numbers starting with a 0:

cp sample0* selection/ 

4 Variables and command substitution

4.1 Variables

In programming, we use variables for things that:

  • We refer to repeatedly and/or
  • Are subject to change.

These tend to be settings like the paths to input and output files, and parameter values for programs. Using variables makes it easier to change such settings. We also need to understand variables to work with loops and scripts.

Assigning and referencing variables

To assign a value to a variable in the shell, use the syntax variable_name=value:

# Assign the value "beach" to a variable with the name "location":

# Assign the value "200" to a variable with the name "n_lines":
Recall that there can’t be spaces around the equals sign (=)!

To reference a variable (i.e., to access its value):

  • You need to put a dollar sign $ in front of its name.
  • It is good practice to double-quote ("...") variable names2.

As before with the environment variable $HOME, we’ll use the echo command to see what values our variables contain:

echo "$location"
echo "$n_lines"

Conveniently, we can use variables in lots of contexts, as if we had directly typed their values:


ls -lh "$input_file"
-rw-rw----+ 1 jelmer PAS0471 0 Mar  7 13:17 results/figs/fig-1A.png

Variable names:

  • Can contain letters, numbers, and underscores
  • Cannot contain spaces, periods, or other special symbols
  • Cannot start with a number

Try to make your variable names descriptive, like $input_file above, as opposed to say $x and $myvar.

4.2 Command substitution

Command substitution allows you to store and pass the output of a command to another command. Let’s see an example. As you know, the date command will print the current date and time:

Thu Mar  7 14:52:22 EST 2024

If we try to store the date in a variable directly, it doesn’t work: the literal string “date” is stored instead:

echo "$today"

That’s why we need command substitution, which we can use by wrapping the command inside $():

echo "$today"
Thu Mar  7 14:53:11 EST 2024

One practical example of using command substitution is when you want to automatically include the current date in a file name. First, note that we can use date +%F to print the date in YYYY-MM-DD format, and omit the time:

date +%F

Let’s use that in a command substitution — but a bit differently than before: we use the command substitution $(date +%F) directly in our touch command, rather than first assigning it to a variable:

touch README_"$(date +%F)".txt


Bonus exercise: Command substitution

Say we wanted to store and report the number of lines in a FASTQ file, which tells us how many sequence “reads” are in it (because FASTQ files contain 4 lines per read).

Here is how we can get the number of lines of a compressed FASTQ file:

  • Use zcat (instead of regular cat) to print the contents despite the file compression
  • As we’ve seen before, wc -l gets you the number of lines, but note here that if you pipe input into wc -l, it won’t include the file name in the output:
zcat /fs/ess/PAS2700/share/garrigos/data/fastq/ERR10802863_R1.fastq.gz | wc -l

Use command substitution to store the output of the last command in a variable, and then use an echo command to print the following:

The file has 2000000 lines
Click for the solution
n_lines=$(zcat /fs/ess/PAS2700/share/garrigos/data/fastq/ERR10802863_R1.fastq.gz | wc -l)

echo "The file has $n_lines lines"
The file has 2000000 lines

Note: You don’t have to quote variables inside a quoted echo call, since it’s, well, already quoted. If you also quote the variables, you will in fact unquote it, although that shouldn’t pose a problem inside echo statements.

4.3 For loops

Loops are a universal element of programming languages, and are used to repeat operations. Here, we’ll only cover the most common type of loop: the for loop.

A for loop iterates over a collection, such as a list of files, and allows you to perform one or more actions for each element in the collection. In the example below, our “collection” is just a short list of numbers (1, 2, and 3):

for a_number in 1 2 3; do
    echo "In this iteration of the loop, the number is $a_number"
    echo "--------"
In this iteration of the loop, the number is 1
In this iteration of the loop, the number is 2
In this iteration of the loop, the number is 3

The indented lines between do and done contain the code that is being executed as many times as there are items in the collection: in this case 3 times, as you can tell from the output above.

What was actually run under the hood is the following:

# (Don't run this)
echo "In this iteration of the loop, the number is $a_number"
echo "--------"

echo "In this iteration of the loop, the number is $a_number"
echo "--------"

echo "In this iteration of the loop, the number is $a_number"
echo "--------"

Here are two key things to understand about for loops:

  • In each iteration of the loop, one element in the collection is being assigned to the variable specified after for. In the example above, we used a_number as the variable name, so that variable contained 1 when the loop ran for the first time, 2 when it ran for the second time, and 3 when it ran for the third and last time.

  • The loop runs sequentially for each item in the collection, and will run exactly as many times as there are items in the collection.

A further explanation of for loop syntax

On the first and last, unindented lines, for loops contain the following mandatory keywords:

Keyword Purpose
for After for, we set the variable name (an arbitrary name; above we used a_number)
in After in, we specify the collection (list of items) we are looping over
do After do, we have one ore more lines specifying what to do with each item
done Tells the shell we are done with the loop

Combining loops and globbing

A very useful strategy is to loop over files with globbing, for example:

for fastq_file in data/fastq/*fastq; do
    echo "Running an analysis for file $fastq_file"...
    # Additional commands to process the FASTQ file
Running an analysis for file data/fastq/sample001_R1.fastq...
Running an analysis for file data/fastq/sample001_R2.fastq...
Running an analysis for file data/fastq/sample002_R1.fastq...
Running an analysis for file data/fastq/sample002_R2.fastq...
Running an analysis for file data/fastq/sample003_R1.fastq...
Running an analysis for file data/fastq/sample003_R2.fastq...
# [...output truncated...]

Exercise: A simple loop

Create a loop that will print:

morel is an Ohio mushroom  
destroying_angel is an Ohio mushroom  
eyelash_cup is an Ohio mushroom
Click for the solution
for mushroom in morel destroying_angel eyelash_cup; do
    echo "$mushroom is an Ohio mushroom"
morel is an Ohio mushroom  
destroying_angel is an Ohio mushroom  
eyelash_cup is an Ohio mushroom

5 Renaming files with loops

There are many different ways to rename many files in a programmatic way in the shell – admittedly none as easy as one might have hoped.

Here, we’ll use the basename command and a for loop. for loops are a verbose method for tasks like renaming, but are relatively intuitive and good to get practice with.


First, we’ll have to learn about the basename command, which removes any dir name that may be present in a file name (path), and optionally, removes a suffix too:

# Just remove the directories:
basename data/fastq/sample001_R1.fastq
# Also remove a suffix by specifying it after the file name:
basename data/fastq/sample001_R1.fastq .fastq

We made these in one of the exercises above, but if you don’t have them:

# You should be in /fs/ess/PAS2700/users/$USER/week02
touch data/fastq/sample{001..100}_R{1,2}.fastq

Renaming a single file

Let’s say that we wanted to rename these files so that they have the suffix .fq instead of .fastq. Here’s how we could do that for one file in a way that we can use in a loop:

The original file name will be contained in a variable:


We can also save the new name in a variable

newname=$(basename "$oldname" .fastq).fq

Before actually renaming, note this trick with echo to just print the command instead of executing it:

echo mv -v "$oldname" "$newname"
mv -v sample001_R1.fastq sample001_R1.fq

Looks good? Then we remove echo and rename the file (we’re using the -v to make mv report what it’s doing):

mv -v "$oldname" "$newname"
sample001_R1.fastq -> sample001_R1.fq

Looping over all files

Here’s how we can loop over these files, saving each file name (one at a time) in the variable $oldname:

for oldname in *.fastq; do
    # ...

Next, we assign a new name for each file:

for oldname in *.fastq; do
    newname=$(basename "$oldname" .fastq).fq

We build and check the renaming command:

for oldname in *.fastq; do
    newname=$(basename "$oldname" .fastq).fq
    echo mv -v "$oldname" "$newname"
mv -v sample001_R1_001.fastq sample001_R1_001.fq
mv -v sample001_R2_001.fastq sample001_R2_001.fq
mv -v sample002_R1_001.fastq sample002_R1_001.fq
mv -v sample002_R2_001.fastq sample002_R2_001.fq
# [...output truncated...]

We do the renaming by removing echo:

for oldname in *.fastq; do
    newname=$(basename "$oldname" .fastq).fq
    mv -v "$oldname" "$newname"
‘sample001_R1_001.fastq’ -> ‘sample001_R1_001.fq’
‘sample001_R2_001.fastq’ -> ‘sample001_R2_001.fq’
‘sample002_R1_001.fastq’ -> ‘sample002_R1_001.fq’
‘sample002_R2_001.fastq’ -> ‘sample002_R2_001.fq’
‘sample003_R1_001.fastq’ -> ‘sample003_R1_001.fq’
‘sample003_R2_001.fastq’ -> ‘sample003_R2_001.fq’
# [...output truncated...]

6 Bonus content

6.1 Viewing and modifying file permissions

File “permissions” are the types of things (e.g. reading, writing) that different groups of users (creator, group, anyone else) are permitted to do with files and dirs.

There are a couple of reasons you may occasionally need to view and modify file permissions:

  • You may want to make your data read-only
  • You may need to share files with other users at OSC

Viewing file permissions

To show file permissions, use ls with the -l (long format) option that we’ve seen before. The command below also uses the -a option to show all files, including hidden ones (and -h to show file sizes in human-readable format):

Here is an overview of the file permission notation in ls -l output:

In the two lines above:

  • rwxrwxr-x means:
    read + write + execute permissions for both the owner (first rwx) and the group (second rwx), and read + execute but not write permissions for others (r-x at the end).

  • rw-rw-r-- means:
    read + write but not execute permissions for both the owner (first rw-) and the group (second rw-), and only read permissions for others (r-- at the end).

Let’s create a file to play around with file permissions:

# Create a test file
touch testfile.txt

# Check the default permissions
ls -l testfile.txt
-rw-rw----+ 1 jelmer PAS2700 0 Mar  7 13:36 testfile.txt

Changing file permissions

This can be done in two different ways with the chmod command. Here, we’ll focus on the method with = (set permission to), + (add permission), and - (remove permission).

For example, to add read (r) permissions for all (a):

# chmod <who>+<permission-to-add>:
chmod a+r testfile.txt

ls -l testfile.txt
-rw-rw-r--+ 1 jelmer PAS0471 0 Mar  7 13:40 testfile.txt

To set read + write + execute (rwx) permissions for all (a):

# chmod <who>=<permission-to-set>`:
chmod a=rwx testfile.txt

ls -l testfile.txt
-rwxrwxrwx+ 1 jelmer PAS2700 0 Mar  7 13:36 testfile.txt

To remove write (w) permissions for others (o):

# chmod <who>-<permission-to-remove>:
chmod o-w testfile.txt

ls -l testfile.txt
-rwxrwxr-x+ 1 jelmer PAS2700 0 Mar  7 13:36 testfile.txt

You can also use a series of 3 numbers (for user, group, and others) to set permissions, where each number can take on the following values:

Nr Permission Nr Permission
1 x 5 r + x
2 w 6 r + w
4 r 7 r + w + x

For example, to set read + write + execute permissions for all:

chmod 777 testfile.txt

To set read + write + execute permissions for yourself, and only read permission for the group and others:

chmod 744 file.txt

Making your data read-only

So, if you want to make your raw data (here: the files in the data/fastq dir) read-only, you can use:

  • Set only read permissions for everyone:

    chmod a=r data/fastq/*
  • Take away write permissions for yourself (no-one else should have it by default):

    chmod u-w data/fastq/*

Read/execute permissions for directories

One tricky and confusing aspect of file permissions is that to list a directory’s content, you need execute permissions for the dir! This is something to take into account when you want to grant others access to your project e.g. at OSC.

To set execute permissions for everyone but only for dirs throughout a dir hierarchy, use an X (uppercase x):

chmod -R a+X my-dir

After running one or both of the above commands, let’s check the permissions:

ls -l data/fastq
total 0
-r--r--r--+ 1 jelmer PAS0471 0 Mar  7 13:41 sample001_R1.fastq
-r--r--r--+ 1 jelmer PAS0471 0 Mar  7 13:41 sample001_R2.fastq
-r--r--r--+ 1 jelmer PAS0471 0 Mar  7 13:41 sample002_R1.fastq
-r--r--r--+ 1 jelmer PAS0471 0 Mar  7 13:41 sample002_R2.fastq
# [...output truncated...]

What happens when we try to remove write-protected files?

rm data/fastq/*fastq
rm: remove write-protected regular empty file ‘data/fastq/sample001_R1.fastq’?

You’ll be prompted for every file! If you answer y (yes), you can still remove them. (But note that people other than the file’s owners cannot overried file permissions; only if they are system administrators.)

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  1. Except so-called hidden files.↩︎

  2. We’ll talk more about quoting later.↩︎