Before the course starts


Jelmer Poelstra


February 19, 2024

1 Assignments

Please complete these assignments in the week of Feb 19th:

  1. Fill out the pre-course survey
  2. Create or check your OSC account

2 Readings


Please read the updated syllabus, which you can find here and on the CarmenCanvas site for the course.

Additional information

Course websites

The main place to access information about this course is this website. I will only use the CarmenCanvas site for this course for announcements and as a place to share some files with you.

No R in the course

I’ve had to remove the modules on R while transitioning this course from 3-credit full-semester to 2-credit half-semester. If this is disappointing to you and you want to learn R at OSU, I can recommend the weekly Code Club meeting that I co-organize. And if you’re also interested in microbial metabarcoding data, or would like to learn how you can use R in a bioinformatics/omics data context, contact Plant Pathology professor Soledad Benitez-Ponce to sign up for a metabarcoding workshop during Spring break from March 13th-15th.


If some of the terms in the description of the course material are unfamiliar to you, take a look at the glossary page of this website. Of course, you will learn a lot more about these terms and concepts during the course!

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