Glossary of common terms in this course


Jelmer Poelstra


February 19, 2022

Term Meaning
Buffalo Course book: Bioinformatics Data Skills (Buffalo 2015).
CLI Command-line Interface — a software interface in which one types commands (cf. “GUI”).
CSB Course book: Computing Skills for Biologists (Allesina & Wilmes 2019).
cluster Another word for supercomputer, a set of interconnected computers for high-performance computing
dir Short for “directory”, which how a folder is often referred to in the Unix shell and Linux.
Git Software for “version control”, a system to track changes in code and other text files, and collaborate on those.
GitHub A website that hosts Git projects, which are known as repositories.
GUI Graphical User Interface – a visual software interface with which one interacts by clicking (cf. “CLI”).
HPC High-Performance Computing, for instance as can be done using a supercomputer.
Linux The operating system that OSC runs on. Free Linux distributions include Ubuntu.
Markdown A simple text markup language (think LaTeX or HTML but much simpler).
OSC The Ohio Supercomputer Center.
shell The Unix shell is a command-line interface to the operating system that runs within a terminal. There are several shell flavors, and in this course, we will be working with the bash shell.
Nextflow Software for automated analysis workflow (pipeline) management.
Slurm Software that schedules “compute jobs” (access to the main parts of the system) at OSC.
Unix A family of operating systems that includes Mac and Linux, but not Windows.
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