Git: Remotes on GitHub

Week 3 - Version Control - Part II


Jelmer Poelstra


March 21, 2024

Overview of this session

  • Creating and exploring repositories on GitHub
  • Setting up GitHub authentication
  • Single-user remote repo workflows

Getting set up at OSC
  • Launch VS Code at as before, at the dir /fs/ess/PAS2700/users/$USER, and open a terminal.
  • Load the OSC Git module1: run module load git/2.39.0.
  • In the terminal, cd to your week03/originspecies dir.

1 Remote repositories

So far, we have been locally version-controlling our originspecies repository. Now, we also want to put this repo online, so we can:

  • Share our work (e.g. alongside a publication) and/or
  • Have an online backup and/or
  • Collaborate with others2.

We will use the GitHub website as the place to host our online repositories. Online counterparts of local repositories are usually referred to as “remote repositories” or simply “remotes”.

Using remote repositories will mean adding a couple of Git commands to our toolbox:

  • git remote to add and manage connections to remotes.
  • git push to upload (“push”) changes from local to remote.
  • git pull to download (“pull”) changes from remote to local.

But we will need to start with some one-time setup to enable GitHub authentication.

1.1 One-time setup: GitHub authentication

In order to link your local Git repositories to their online counterparts on GitHub, you need to set up GitHub authentication. There are two options for this (see the box below) but we will use SSH access with an SSH key.

  1. Use the ssh-keygen command to generate a public-private SSH key pair — in the command below, replace with the email address you used to sign up for a GitHub account:

    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
  2. You’ll be asked three questions, and for all three, you can accept the default simply by pressing Enter:

    # Enter file in which to save the key (<default path>):
    # Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    # Enter same passphrase again: 
    Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/users/PAS0471/jelmer/.ssh/id_ed25519): 
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
    Enter same passphrase again: 
    Your identification has been saved in /users/PAS0471/jelmer/.ssh/id_ed25519.
    Your public key has been saved in /users/PAS0471/jelmer/.ssh/
    The key fingerprint is:
    The key's randomart image is:
    +--[ED25519 256]--+
    |          ...    |
    |           . .   |
    |            + o.o|
    |       . + = *.+o|
    |    ... S * B oo.|
    |   .+.  .o =   .o|
    |    .*.o.+.. .  +|
    |   .= +o+ o E ...|
    |    o= o..+*   ..|
  3. Now, you have a file ~/.ssh/, which is your public key. To enable authentication, you will put this public key (which interacts with your private key) on GitHub. Print the public key to your screen using cat:

    cat ~/.ssh/
    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBz4qiqjbNrKPodoGyoF/v7n0GKyvc/vKiW0apaRjba2
  4. Copy the line that was printed to screen to your clipboard.

  5. In your browser, go to and log in.

  6. Go to your personal Settings. (Click on your avatar in the far top-right of the page, then select “Settings”.)

  7. Click on SSH and GPG keys in the sidebar.

  8. Click the green New SSH key button.

  9. In the form (see screenshot below):

    • Give the key an arbitrary, informative “Title” (name), e.g. “OSC” to indicate that you will use this key at OSC.
    • Paste the public key, which you copied to your clipboard earlier, into the “Key” box.
    • Click the green Add SSH key button. Done!

Authentication and GitHub URLs

The current two options to authenticate to GitHub when connecting with remotes are:

  • SSH access with an SSH key (which we have just set up)
  • HTTPS access with a Public Access Token (PAT). See this GitHub page to set this up instead of or in addition to SSH access.

For everything on GitHub, there are separate SSH and HTTPS URLs. When using SSH (as we are), we need to use URLs with the following format:<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY>.git

(And when using HTTPS, you would use URLs like<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY>.git)

1.2 Create a remote repository

While we can interact with online repos using Git commands, we can’t create a new online repo with the Git CLI. Therefore, we will to go to the GitHub website to create a new online repo:

  1. On the GitHub website, click the + next to your avatar (top-right) and select “New repository”:

  1. In the box “Repository name”, we’ll use the same name that we gave to our local directory: originspecies3.

  1. Leave other options as they are, as shown below, and click “Create repository”:

1.4 Explore the repository on GitHub

Back at GitHub on your repo page, click where it says <> Code in the lower of the top bars:

This is basically our repo’s “home page”, and we can see the files that we just uploaded from our local repo:

Next, click where it says x commits (x should be 10 in this case):

You’ll get an overview of the commits that you made, somewhat similar to what you get when you run git log:

You can click on a commit to see the changes that were made by it:

The line that is highlighted in green was added by this commit.

On the right-hand side, a < > button will allow you to see the state of the repo at the time of that commit:

On the commit overview page, scroll down all the way to the first commit and click the < >: you’ll see the repo’s “home page” again, but now with only the origin.txt file, since that was the only file in your repo at the time:

GitHub “Issues”

Each GitHub repository has an “Issues” tab — issues are mainly used to track bugs and other (potential) problems with a repository. In an issue, you can reference specific commits and people, and use Markdown formatting.

When you hand in your final project submissions, you will create an issue simply to notify me about your repository.

To go to the Issues tab for your repo, click on Issues towards the top of the page:

And you should see the following page — in which you can open a new issue with the “New” button:

2 Remote repo workflows: single-user

In a single-user workflow, all changes are typically made in the local repository, and the remote repo is simply periodically updated (pushed to). So, the interaction between local and remote is unidirectional:

When pushing to remote for the first time, you first set up the connection with git remote and use the u option to git push.

Now, the local (“My repo”) and remote (“GitHub”) are in sync.

Next, you’ve made a new commit locally: the local and remote are out of sync.

You simply use git push to update the remote, after which the local and remote will be back in sync (latter not shown).

In a single-user workflow with a remote, you commit just like you would without a remote in your day-to-day work, and in addition, push to remote occasionally — let’s run through an example.

  • Start by creating a file for your repo:

    echo "# Origin" >
    echo "Repo for book draft on my new **theory**" >>
  • Add and commit the file:

    git add
    git commit -m "Added a README file"
    [main 63ce484] Added a README file
    1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
    create mode 100644
  • If you now run git status, you’ll see that Git knows that your local repo is now one commit “ahead” of its remote counterpart:

    On branch main
    Your branch is ahead of 'origin/main' by 1 commit.
    (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
    nothing to commit, working tree clean
  • But Git will not automatically sync. So now, push to the remote repository:

    git push
    Counting objects: 4, done.
    Delta compression using up to 40 threads.
    Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 404 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
    Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: To
    4968e62..b1e6dad  main -> main

Let’s go back to GitHub: note that the Markdown has been automatically rendered!

Want to collaborate on repositories?

The version control bonus page goes into collaboration with Git and Github, i.e. multi-user workflows.

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  1. Note that Git is available at OSC even without loading this module, but that’s a much older version.↩︎

  2. We will not cover collaboration workflows in class, though – see the bonus material for this.↩︎

  3. Though note that these names don’t have to match up.↩︎

  4. Though we can skip the second one, git branch -M main, since our branch is already called “main”.↩︎

  5. To learn more about branches, see the Git bonus material.↩︎