Homework Instructions


Jelmer Poelstra


March 4, 2024

Before the workshop starts, please work your way through the following two pages on this website:

Each of these may take around 2 hours to complete with no prior experience.

Prefer in-person instruction?

If you’re struggling with this material or simply prefer in-person instruction, send an email to Jelmer Poelstra (poelstra.1) — if there is interest, we can try to schedule a pre-workshop session on Mon the 11th or Tue the 12th.

Already have experience with this?

If you already have substantial experience with one or both of these topics, we ask you to still do the following:

  • Skim through the pages for a refresher and if you see unfamiliar stuff, practice with it.
  • At OSC, create your own dir and copy the workshop’s data: follow Unix Shell sections 2.1, and 5.1-5.2.
  • At OSC, create an RStudio Project: go through the R sections 2.1 and 4.2.

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  1. That’s a bit of a guess, we welcome feedback about how long it took you to do this.↩︎