# Set the R library to load packages from
dyn.load("/fs/ess/PAS0471/jelmer/software/GLPK/lib/libglpk.so.40", local = FALSE)
Differential abundance analysis
1 Setting up
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Start an RStudio Server job
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Create a new script (Optional)
Click File
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inside your scripts
We recommend that you copy-and-paste (or type, if you prefer) code from this webpage into your script and then execute the code. That way, you’ll have a nice record of what you did, exactly.
Load packages
# Load the packages (package startup messages are not printed below)
Load the phyloseq object
# Loading data from RDS
<- readRDS("results/ps_fulldata/bac22rot_w_ASV.rds") bac22rot_phy
2 Differential abundance analysis
3 DESeq2
This method analyzes taxa individually to contrast abundance between “treatment” groups. A null and alternative hypothesis are set for each taxon:
- H0: The parameters to attain a normal distribution under a negative binomial model are the same for both treatments.
- Ha: The parameters to attain a normal distribution using a negative binomial distribution are the significantly different between treatments.
If the null hypothesis can be rejected the taxon is considered differentially abundant.
Analysis set up
Start by selecting the factors you will be using in your analysis. In this case we will focus on the effect of Rotation on a single Location of the experiment. Because of this both factors should be included in our model.
# Converting phyloseq object to DESeq2 format
<- phyloseq_to_deseq2(bac22rot_phy, ~Rotation + Location) dds.df
converting counts to integer mode
Warning in DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank): some variables in
design formula are characters, converting to factors
# Identifying the groups in our experiment
$Group <- factor(paste0(dds.df$Rotation, dds.df$Location))
# Setting our experimental desing in the DESeq2 object
design(dds.df) <- formula(~Group)
# Generating our analysis
<- DESeq(dds.df, quiet = TRUE)
log2 fold change (MLE): Group CSWWARS vs CSNWARS
Wald test p-value: Group CSWWARS vs CSNWARS
DataFrame with 8088 rows and 6 columns
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
<numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
ASV_1 0.4255456 -0.241741 4.08044 -0.0592439 0.952758 NA
ASV_2 0.1596288 -0.241729 4.08044 -0.0592410 0.952760 NA
ASV_3 0.0650197 0.479623 4.08044 0.1175419 0.906431 NA
ASV_4 0.0787188 -0.241721 4.08044 -0.0592389 0.952762 NA
ASV_5 0.2633945 1.163709 4.07809 0.2853565 0.775371 NA
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
ASV_8084 29.145910 0.321887 1.44986 0.222013 0.824304 0.917003
ASV_8085 12.368285 0.914731 2.13929 0.427586 0.668953 0.822307
ASV_8086 0.000000 NA NA NA NA NA
ASV_8087 0.164315 1.618506 4.06464 0.398191 0.690489 NA
ASV_8088 2.964239 2.109483 3.02072 0.698338 0.484966 NA
Your output will show each ASV and an associated log2FoldChange that indicates the magnitude of difference in abundance. Another important part of the output is the padj value which indicates the adjusted p-value which tells us if the difference is statistically significant.
Contrasting groups
Once the full dataset has been analyzed you can contrast groups to identify differentially abundant taxa between them. We will focus on the comparison between rotation treatments in the WARS location.
If you need to remember your group names to make the contrast use:
# Select the groups to contrast
<- results(dds, contrast = c("Group", "CSWARS", "CSWWARS"))
# First look at the results
out of 7097 with nonzero total read count
adjusted p-value < 0.1
LFC > 0 (up) : 6, 0.085%
LFC < 0 (down) : 4, 0.056%
outliers [1] : 273, 3.8%
low counts [2] : 6538, 92%
(mean count < 12)
[1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
[2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
# Number of taxa with significantly higher abundance in CSWWARS :
sum(res$padj < 0.1 & res$log2FoldChange > 0, na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 6
# Number of taxa with significantly lower abundance in CSWWARS:
sum(res$padj < 0.1 & res$log2FoldChange < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 4
Let’s have a look at the most significantly different taxa
<- res[order(res$pvalue), ]
res.order head(res.order)[c(1:2, 6)]
log2 fold change (MLE): Group CSWARS vs CSWWARS
DataFrame with 6 rows and 3 columns
baseMean log2FoldChange padj
<numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
ASV_4341 51.49725 -22.17580 2.01506e-22
ASV_7363 83.80914 -22.47159 1.12391e-19
ASV_3604 6.49914 -31.65201 NA
ASV_4623 23.15436 22.28713 6.82191e-09
ASV_4434 10.19797 -20.30476 NA
ASV_2821 53.82453 -7.09153 2.58989e-03
Prepare samples for visualization
Let’s tidy up our data for easy visualization
# Create a data frame from your DESeq results
<- as.data.frame(res)
# Add the taxonomy of the ASVs to the new data frame
<- as.data.frame(tax_table(bac22rot_phy))
taxmelt $Tax <- paste(rownames(res.df), taxmelt$Family, sep= " ")
# Filter to keep only log2folds > |10| and pvalues <= 0.05
<- dplyr::filter(res.df, padj<=0.05, log2FoldChange<=-10 | log2FoldChange>=10)
# Making sure our new table has everything we need
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
ASV_4341 51.49725 -22.17580 2.126648 -10.427583 1.855490e-25 2.015062e-22
ASV_4623 23.15436 22.28713 3.319153 6.714702 1.884507e-11 6.821914e-09
ASV_7363 83.80914 -22.47159 2.307547 -9.738303 2.069809e-22 1.123906e-19
ASV_4341 ASV_4341 Micromonosporaceae
ASV_4623 ASV_4623 Nocardioidaceae
ASV_7363 ASV_7363 NA
# Generating a dataframe from our table
<- as.data.frame(res05) res05.df
Plotting your data
Now you can use ggplot2 to generate a plot to visualize your data in any way you’d like, but here’s an example:
ggplot(data = res05.df,
aes(x = Tax, y = log2FoldChange, fill = log2FoldChange)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") +
coord_flip() +
labs(title = "Taxa with significantly lower and higher abundance in CSW-WARS
when contrasted with CS-WARS") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
(you can create that dir in the dialog box if needed↩︎